Exercise 21

Regional court record from the years 1520-1541
"Acta dominiorum consulum...". The book contains entries concerning the granting of the power of attorney, the issuing of letters of recommendation and sentences of the regional court.
An entry from 1521 concerns the punishment which was given to the minor Wojtek Kolanko for injuring Dorota Janowa. We do not know the circumstances of this event, however, the case arrived in the regional court, which ordered the settling of consent with the victim within two weeks and obliged Wojtek's father to pay a fine.
ANK, Krakow Town Records, ref. no. Rkps 756
Exercise 21

1. Annus Domini 1521
2. feliciter Auspicatur
3. feria quarta post Epiphaniorum
4. Domini decreverunt quod Voytek Kolanko adolescens concor
5. diam facere debet cum Dorothea Janowa relacione mutilacionis
6. digiti per eum facti ab hinc ad quindenam et tandem
7. concordia cum eadem Dorethea facta pater prefati alberti
8. eundem filium suum albertum statuere debet hic coram dominis
9. Consulibus cum Sexaginta