Exercise 10
1. Die ratherren die vor disen
2. geshriben sten die gaben Si
3. delmanne irme knechte ein
4. virteil einer houestat bi der
5. prediger bruder Zune daz
6. haben ime dise ratherren be
7. stetiget
Principles of transcription
- Maintain the original entry - carry out the transcription as faithfully as possible to the original, without correcting the writer's mistakes.
 - Lines of text - the transcription should be written in lines. If the word is divided between two lines, it should be written as in the original, that is, without connecting it.
 - Punctuation - all punctuation marks or others (e.g. commas, full stops, hyphens, etc.) appearing in the original should be ignored.
 - Writing capital letters - the mechanism recognises both small and capital letters as correct.
You can find the full principles of transcription here.
Helpful tips
- There are no contractions in this document.
 - The scribe used two differing versions of the letters h and t.
 - The scribe wrote the letter i with a dash or left it without any marks. The letter u was similar - it appears without marks or is marked with a circle.
You will find more useful tips for transcribing old texts here.