Exercise 24

Correspondence of the Galician Regional Government from 1804 concerning the destruction of the town walls in Krakow
At the beginning of the 19th century, the Austrian rulers decided to destroy the medieval town walls in Krakow. The fortifications were in poor condition, gradually falling into a state of ruin, and the moat was polluted and silted. Destroying the walls was supposed to create a Krakow as “a healthy, clean, comfortable and beautiful town”. At the same time, building materials were to be obtained for new investments.
ANK, Collection of Ambroży Grabowski, ref. no. 29/679/14
The demolition took place in the years 1810-1814, the moat was filled, the town walls and towers started to be destroyed. The fragment of the fortifications by Florianska Gate, which survives until today, was saved thanks to the intervention of Feliks Radwański, senator of the Free Town of Krakow, a professor of Jagiellonian University and an architect.
ANK, Government Records, ref. no. 29/67/4
Exercise 24

1. Da der kk Hofkriegsrath sich bestimmt erklaret hat wienach es ihm gleichgil
2. tig sey ob die Mauern der Stadt Krackau angetragenermassen bis auf
3. 12 oder 15 Schuhe abgetragen oder ganz wiedergerissen werden somit
4. die Stadt Krackau zu einem ostenen Orte gemacht wird so haben Seine
5. Majestat die ganzliche Abtragung der Krackauer Stadtmauer in dem Fal
6. le ohne weitere Ruckfrage zu bewilligen geruhet wenn die daruber vorlaufig
7. zu vernehmenden Lockalbehorden keine erheblichen Einwendungen da
8. gegen beibringen