Exercise 8
Document issued by the Council of Kazimierz on 29 September 1399
The Council, on the basis of statements made by senior citizens of the town, states that, on the land where Saint Catherine's Monastery was built, previously there were homes and brewers from who the town collected rates. Considerably later, the town agreed to the purchase by the monastery of neighbouring properties, which from the beginning were exempt from rates.
Nationalarchiv Krakau, Archiv des Augustinerordens in Krakau, Sign. 29/501/168
Exercise 8
1. Nos Consules Civitatis Kazymirie etc Notum facimus omnibus hanc litteram legentibus vel
2. audientibus Quod Nos Consules convocare fecimus nostre Civitatis concives seniores memores
3. primeve plantacionis seu fundacionis Kazymiriensis Civitatis exigentes ab eisdem sub iuramento
4. Quod hactenus nostre Civitati fecerunt Quatenus odio et amore postposito nos informarent
5. an recordarentur si umquam domus vel aree alique inter terminos seu grenicies monasterii nunc
6. Sancte katherine Ordinis fratrum Heremitarum Sancti Augustini fuerunt censuales alicui Altari
7. Capelle vel Canonie Castri Cracowyiensis