Exercise 4

The employment contract of Kazimierz Robacki for the position of bugler in the orchestra of the Militia of the Free Town of Krakow, signed in 1820 in Krakow
Jan Kanty Wojnarowski, 1836, water colour
ANK, Iconographic collection, ref. no. B-III-28
The contract defined the privileges and duties of the musician. Walking during the march of the Militia from Szczepański Square to the guardroom of the town hall in the Main Market Square, performance of the bugle call in front of the guardroom on defined days, participation in parades and musical rehearsals (conducted in the winter in a heated hall).
The employed bugler received a musician's uniform, instrument (which he had a duty to take care of) and all necessary “music papers”. He could also live in the accommodation designated in the military barracks “for musicians”, and in the event of discovering the ability to play another instrument other than a bugle – to change it for another one. The contract could be ended with a 3-month notice period.
Work in the position of bugler was valued at 500 Polish Złoty per year (with the right to take paid leave and sick leave) and the contract was signed.
ANK, Archives of the Free Town of Krakow, ref. no. WMK VI-26
Exercise 4

1. Kontrakt
2. Pan Kazmierz Robacki ninieyszem dobrowolnem
3. zaciągnieniem się przyięty zostaie jako graiący
4. na Trąbie przy Muzyce Milicyi Krajowey z płacą
5. roczną 500 Zpo zKassy Główney WM Krakowa
6. miesięcznie anticipando za Kwitami swemi po
7. bierać się maiącą w Którą płacę wchodzic będzie
8. żołd umundurowanie i wszelkie Artykuły Uniformu
9. Muzykalnego