Exercise 1

Document of King Sigismund I of Poland, issued in 1540 in Krakow
The king postpones the investigation of a matter raised by Krakow's councillors, concerning the exclusion of the town from the law of the General Sejm setting the death penalty for the murder of a nobleman by non-aristocratic people (plebeius). Taking into consideration the special position of Krakow, the king postpones the investigation of this matter to the nearest parliamentary session, until which time the town is to keep the former laws.
Parchment document. On the document there is a small crown seal, pressed in red wax.
ANK, Collection of parchment documents, ref. no. 29/657/544
Exercise 1

1. Illosque evitare nedum est dificile sed fere impossibile rerum gerunt
2. gubernacula et proinde supplicaverunt nobis multorum Consiliariorum Regni nostri illos promoventibus Ut huius Regie nostre sedis et prime Regni nostre Ci
3. vitatis racionem benignam habere illosque ab eius constitucionis rigore eximere dignaremur Nos vero tametsi perpendamus Cives nostros Cracovienses pre
4. aliis Civibus Civitatum Regni nostri singularibus preeminere privilegiis quippe qui et presentiam Curie nostre nunctiorum externorum multorumque adve
5. narum ad nostram Curiam venientium perferunt quique et in Consiliis publicis in Conventibus Regni generalibus locum obtinent non usque quaque equandos
6. esse aliis plebeis Regni nostri quos illa constitucio afficit