Exercise 28

Collection of materials for the 1901 Lajkonik costume
Anna Gramatyka-Ostrowska
ANK, Society of History
and Monument Lovers of Krakow,
ref. no.29/562/95
A fragment of the minutes from a meeting of the Society of History and Monument Lovers of Krakow, regarding organizing the collection of materials for the Zwierzyniecki horse's costume. The outfit was to be developed by a Committee, which included Leonard Lepszy, Stanisław Wyspiański, Maksymilian Cercha and Klemens Bąkowski. The costume, for which a loan of 100 crowns was obtained, was designed by Wyspiański and sewn by Ms. Kopińska. The weapon and metal elements were made by Antoni Bąkowski.
In 1907, a postcard was published by the painter, Anna Gramatyka-Ostrowska, with a picture of the Lajkonik dressed in the costume designed by Wyspiański.
A description of a horse in the book of Krakow raftsmen from 1840 - see Exercise 9 [1].
ANK, Society of History and Monument Lovers of Krakow, ref. no. 29/562/52
Exercise 28

1. Dr Bakowski wnosi aby dla zapo
2. wiedzianego już dawniej ubrania Konika
3. Zwierzynieckiego i jego asysty upowaznić
4. go do zbierania składek w materyałach
5. jedwabnych pluszowych i sukiennych a z
6. takowych uszyć potem kostyumy na co
7. żąda kredytu 100 Kor Po dyskusyi
8. wybrano Komitet z pp Lepszego
9. Wyspiańskiego Cerchy i Bąkowskiego
10. dla obmyślenie kostyumów i sposobu
11. przeprowadzenia ubrania oraz wyasyg
12. nowano żądany kredyt 100 Kor dla
13. tegoż Komitetu