Exercise 14

Walery Wielogłowski, 19th century, lithography
ANK, Iconographic collection, ref. no. B-I-36
Order intervention concerning a stone from the parapet of St. Mary's Church in 1884
Letter from the Police in Krakow to the Krakow Town Hall concerning the case of Oskard Weles, a telegraphist, about the state of the St. Mary's Church parapet. The resident of the town fortunately avoided a head injury from a falling stone (weighing around 1 kg). In the 1870s, in Krakow there was an increase in the restoration activity connected with the architectural monuments of the town. Within the framework of the work on restoring buildings to their former state, the Cloth Hall, among others, was restored, conservation work was carried out in Wawel Cathedral and the Church of the Holy Cross, and in the 1880s the general renovation of St. Mary's Church began.
ANK, Committees and social organizations for the protection of monuments in Krakow – collection of remnants, ref. no. 29/563/13
Exercise 14

1. Oskard Weles urzędnik telegrafu zamiesz
2. kały w rynku głównym w domu P Teich
3. mana doniósł że gdy dnia 7 bieżącego miesiąca po połud
4. niu przechodził koło kościoła Panny Maryi spadł
5. z gzymsu od strony wschodniej koscioła du
6. ży kamien ważący co najmniej funta
7. i o mało co w głowę go nie ugodził
8. O czem się Świetny Magistrat celem
9. odpowiedniego zarządzenia zawiadamia