Exercise 7

Census of the town of Krakow from 1850
General censuses prepared by the state authorities for, among others, evidence and treasury purposes, were already carried out in ancient times. The first census on Polish soil was conducted in 1789, however, it did not concern all the residents of the Republic (those with a privileged state, that is the clergy and aristocracy, were excluded).
The Austrian powers conducted regular censuses throughout the empire, that's why there are censuses for Krakow from that period for the years 1850, 1857, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1910.
Censuses were registered, prepared according to the district, street, building and flat. Questions were asked about surname, civil state, age and place of birth, profession and religion.
ANK, Krakow Town Census from 1850, ref. no. 29/84/5
Exercise 7

1. Bronislawa Handlerin
2. Przybylowicz
3. Sohn Techniker
4. Paul Alexander
5. Stanislaus Josef
6. Kajetan Bronislaw Zwillinge
7. Stefan Josef
8. Tochter
9. Leokadia
10. Stieftochter
11. Isidora Kordasińska