Exercise 6

A craftsman's travel book issued for the carpenter Wawrzyńiec Targosz, in Lviv in 1848
The travel book (Wanderbuch) represented a type of passport that a journeyman had to possess when going on the compulsory work travel before taking the examination to become a master. The work travel of a journeyman, aimed at obtaining and exchanging professional experience, lasted a few years. The tradition of travelling was practised from the Middle Ages - the travelling journeymen were initially legitimised with a recommendation letter (later by the travel book).
The wanderbuch contained a description of the journeyman, which was necessary for registering with the local authorities during particular stages of the work travel (among others, surname, place of birth and profession). In addition, it included notes referring to the behaviour and work of the journeyman in the successive places of his stay.
The fragment published in the exercise is an official entry in the wanderbuch of Wawrzyńiec Targosz, allowing the carpenter to travel through the countries of the Austrian Empire for 3 years.
ANK, Personal and family records - collections of remnants, ref. no. 29/645/285
Exercise 6

1. Dem Innhaber dieses Wan
2. derbuches wird die Be
3. willigung ertheilt durch
4. drey Jahre in den kon
5. skribirten Landern der
6. osterreichischen Monar
7. chie wandern zu durfen
8. nur hat selber sich um
9. die Visa des kk Kreis
10. amtes zu bewerben