Exercise 3

Certificate of morality issued for Władysław Ludwik Anczyc in 1854 in Krakow
J. Schübeler, undated, wood carving,
ANK, Iconographic collection, ref. no. B-III-86
The certificate was issued by the board of the All Saints Collegiate Church parish in Krakow. The document confirmed the religious and decent behaviour of the pharmacist (Anczyc studied pharmacy at Jagiellonian University) during his stay in Krakow.
Attention was also given to the high moral and impeccable lifestyle of the poet, thanks to which, as emphasised, he obtained the regard of the surrounding community.
ANK, Personal and family records - collections of remnants, ref. no. 29/645/3
Exercise 3

1. Moralitats Zeugniss
2. Kraft dessen von Seiten des Krakauer Pfarramtes
3. der Wahrheit gemass ausgesprochen wird dass der
4. H Ladislaus Ludovicus Anczyc dipplomirter Apotheker
5. wahrend seines Aufenthaltes in Krakau sich stets
6. anstandig relligios benommen und durch seinen
7. moralischen und untadelhaften Lebenswandel
8. die Achtung Aller erworben daher allenfals ver
9. diennt dass ihm dem H Ladislaus Ludovicus Anczyc
10. dieses ruhmliche und wohlverdiennte Zeugniss
11. ausgestellt werde